I thought I would report back on my Kindle experiment. About a month ago, I started putting some of my out-of-print adult books on the Kindle. YA and children's books tend to be given longer to prove themselves and to stay in print longer. With books for adults, if you don't continue to sell well, you're out.
It’s hard to think that a book you loved and labored over is now forgotten except for the occasional library reader.
Then I heard about how out-of-print books could have a second life on the Kindle. I started by putting my best-reviewed book to date, Learning to Fly, on the Kindle. Then I added four books of my series in order: Circles of Confusion, Square in the Face, Heart-Shaped Box, and finally, Buried Diamonds.
I priced them all at $1.99. For each one, Amazon gives me 70 cents. Amazon just announced a new plan that will go in effect June 30. If you list your book at a price that can be as low as $2.99, you'll get about 70% instead of 35%. So at that point, I will raise my prices and make about $2 a book.
To read more about how to do this yourself: http://aprilhenry.livejournal.com/660518.html
So far, I've made enough to buy this:
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