Monday, December 8, 2008

Plusses and MInuses of Boot Camp

I decided to start taking a bootcamp class my gym offers.

- By starting now, I avoid the January rush.
- I'm home and exercised by 7:40.
- It may encourage me to eat better.
- Fantasies of being buff and thin like gorgeous Swedish-looking woman exercising on the mat behind me.

- 5:30 a.m. alarm after 10 months of getting up when I want to (which actually has worked out to getting up at 6 when my husband's alarm goes off)
- An unbelievable number of crunches (note to self: do not go all out on first set. Because there are four more.)
- Yawning at 9:45 a.m.
- Boot camp! What am I thinking! I hate people telling me what to do. And I'm not a military type person. Although I was wooed by Westpoint the first year they started having women attend. Deal breaker for me: bathrooms were unisex and there were no doors on the toilets.

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