Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun to think about

My first book, Circles of Confusion, came out in 1999. There was a lot of "close but no cigar" movie interest. One producer got the book on Drew Barrymore's company's short list, even though at the time Drew was far younger than the character. (I was told Drew "has emotional baggage that makes her older than her years.")

Drew made Riding in Cars with Boys (another book to movie) and the producer went her way and I went mine.

So my phone just rang. It was the producer from nine or ten years ago. She has a meeting in a few weeks with someone in Hollywood and she is looking for a couple of ideas to pitch. And she thought of Circles of Confusion. She said it was a perfect book, with a little mystery, a little romance, etc. She's kept my phone number all these years (I couldn't even remember her name) and she wanted to know if rights were available.

I didn't know whether to be coy or not, so I just said the rights were available and she should talk to my agent.

It's a total long shot, but F-U-N to think about.

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