Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can you help Bridget?

This is Bridget. Three things happened to Bridget in February:
1. She got an agent for her young adult novel.
2. She got married.
3. She found out she has Stage Four colon cancer.

I met Bridget a year ago at an Oregon SWCBI event. She had just moved to Portland from Wisconsin, where she was a teen librarian. She is a beautiful person, inside and out. When she found out she had an agent, she was just glowing. A few days later she went to a naturopath for headaches and vision problems. She ended up in the ER – and learned very quickly that she had cancer. Big, bad cancer.

Right now, Bridget is undergoing chemotherapy.

To help defray some of the costs, authors and artists all over the United States have banded together to offer their services in an online auction.

Are you a writer? Would you like the first pages of a manuscript critiqued? Are you ready to market a book,need a bookmark or advice on a query letter?

Are you a reader? There are dozens of signed books.

Do you like to travel? Want to get away to Torrey, Utah and take in the fabulous national parks in the area?

Are you looking for a handmade baby quilt, handmade book, jewelry and more?

Check out the items at Bridget Zinn Auction at The money will help her with medical expenses.

If you could spread the word, I would be grateful.

And if you would like to follow Bridget blog or just find out more about her, you can do so at

1 comment:

Suzette Saxton said...

Thank you so much for telling me about this. I'd like to link to it on the QueryTracker Blog and I appreciate you spreading the word! I shall do the same.